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Ensuring healthy kernel growth for almonds

A drone flight capturing fruit set and nut growth can help you to locate and manage variation in orchard health.

Here are our recommendations for the nut development period.

Having access to high-resolution drone imagery and Aeroview insights will help you to:

  • Monitor per tree and zonal health
  • Maintain tree health during the important stages of kernel growth
  • Monitor nutrient supply and irrigation (crucial at this stage)
  • Spot trees/areas that appear stressed and make the necessary amendments

As an almond grower, you can look at your tree performance maps and mark off unhealthy hotspots in the orchard. From here you can investigate and report on the ground using the Aeroview InField mobile app (available on Android and iOS)

These pests may pose a serious threat to your trees during this period: 

  • Red spider mites
  • Bollworm
  • Scale

You should be monitoring your trees for the presence of these pests on a regular basis using the app. We recommend keeping track of all of your findings digitally, to ensure that you can make the right decisions going into the nut growth phase.

Your trees may be susceptible to these diseases:

  • Leaf rust
  • Powdery mildew
  • Scab
  • Hull rot
  • Anthracnose

New to precise crop monitoring and protection? Get in touch with our team today.


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