Per tree insights together with thermal data is a powerful tool for picking up on transpiration variance to ensure optimal irrigation uniformity
Jason Reynolds at Booth Ranches has to say, "Aerobotics’ analytics have added a lot of value to Booth Ranches. Of all the aerial imagery services I have seen, the Aeroview platform is by far the most comprehensive and knowledgeable. Having the ability to see the influence of water stress on a per tree basis, and where exactly in the orchard it is, will allow us to best manage any irrigation-related issues we may encounter."
In a time when growers cannot afford to waste water, we have developed insights into irrigation so that early-stage corrections can be made. This will help to manage efficient water usage for every orchard on the farm.
How it works
Using thermal imagery, we measure the temperature of trees relative to their environment and how effectively they are transpiring. While single-point sensors are important (e.g. soil moisture probes), we’re measuring how irrigation varies across every tree in the block.
In this example, we were able to identify and verify infield differences of 30% in output of the irrigation system within the block, affecting 390 trees. It's calculated with very high-resolution imagery on a first-of-its-kind per-tree level.
Use these insights to plan infield actions that improve irrigation:
As usual, our team is here to guide you on what actions to take from your insights to maximize your yields and ROI.
Request a demo to start monitoring your irrigation efficiency.