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Assign, manage and track farming tasks

Stay organized and boost farm productivity with Aerobotics’ user-friendly task management platform. 

In farming, timing is everything. Whether it’s dealing with unexpected problems or just getting through the day-to-day tasks, farmers need to stay organized and informed to get the job done right. Good communication and project management can mean the difference between a successful harvest and a devastating yield loss. 

With the right system in place, farmers can make sure that everything gets done on time, labor is used efficiently, and resources aren’t wasted. When everyone can communicate clearly and in real-time, they can avoid frustrating communication loops and piles of paperwork. The end result? More productivity and better yields. 

At Aerobotics, we offer advanced task management tools for farmers to keep track of what needs to be done, assign tasks, and manage their team. Farmers use our platform to stay on top of things and nip any issues in the bud before they cause disruptions to farming operations. 


Here’s what you can do using Aerobotics’ task management tools, from anywhere on the farm: 

  • Create geo-referenced tasks for issues related to irrigation, pests and disease;
  • Attach information to tasks in the form of notes and photos;
  • Assign tasks to specific users; and
  • Get immediate alerts when tasks have been assigned to you and when they have been completed by other users.

From your desktop, you can easily view all completed and outstanding tasks, giving you an overview of your farm operations and progress. 

These exciting tools were developed in response to direct feedback from our customers and in close collaboration with farmers across the world. The result is a user-friendly solution that promotes clear and trackable communication between team members so that issues are promptly resolved, preventing current and future yield loss

5 ways you can benefit from using our software

  1. Prevent yield losses: Quickly identify and fix issues caused by irrigation, pests and disease;
  2. Visibility and trust: Track the progress of your team’s tasks to ensure they are completed effectively and on time;
  3. Time savings: Streamline your task management process and reduce the time required to track and manage tasks manually;
  4. Increased capacity: With more time at your disposal, you can focus on other important aspects of your operation; and
  5. Flexibility: Manage your tasks on-the-go using your mobile device or laptop, even from places with no internet connection.

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Real-life example

Here’s how our in-house agronomist, Liaan Janse van Vuuren, used our mobile app to help a farmer detect and resolve an irrigation issue on a farm within a few hours.

While driving through a client’s farm, Liaan noticed an area in the orchard with excessive water, so he stopped to take a look and found that an irrigation line was punctured. Liaan created a task and assigned it to Ben, one of the farm workers, asking him to resolve the issue. Ben received an alert notifying him of this task and he used the app to navigate to the issue. He found the punctured line, fixed it and completed the task. Within an hour, Liaan knew the issue was resolved after receiving a notification that the task was complete.

Do you want to learn more about Aerobotics’ powerful insights for precision growing? 

Request a demo to speak with our team.

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